I may have already said this, but one of the things I love
the most about blogging is it’s a place where I can just be me. I can freely share the daily life of a quirky
single professional gal from San Diego.
A girl like most single women I know who is just simply trying to make a
difference and find her place in the world.
I know there’s a sense of risk personally and professionally
for me putting my life out there in the open cyberworld. We’ve all read the articles warning people
about posting too much personal information on their blogs or their
Facebook. In fact, that’s one of the
reason’s I withheld from writing and posting my story for so long. I am happy I finally let go of worry and mustered
up the courage to write. Fear is
debilitating, if given enough power it hinders our ability to progress and move
forward. Dorothy Thompson explained it
best when she wrote “Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.”
With that said, I have decided since I am choosing to
live. Since I’ve been putting everything
else out there—I have been so candid with my feelings, life, and struggles of
my past, I may as well shout it out and tell the world this little secret too….
I have a crush! (Smiles
and a giggling schoolgirl laugh). OMG,
I can’t believe I actually wrote that. (Blushing just a little, another smirk and
Some of you are going to have to dig way back into your
memory, others who may be a little younger, just try to imagine what I am
describing in my journey into an 80s flashback. Girls (okay guys too), do you remember
sitting in your room listening your Donny Osmond album “Puppy Love” over and
over again? Or The Jets singing out “How
did you know 'cause I never told. You
found out, I've got a crush on you. No more charades, my hearts been displayed. You found out, I've got a crush on you?”
I know I’m 41, but I am kind of feeling like that young
simple trusting, naïve teenager. I haven’t had a crush like this one in
years. Can a 41 year-old woman have a
schoolgirl crush? What do you do with that?
It’s not like I can write his name all over my work notepad. Then again
posting it online for the whole universe to read is probably a little more
extreme than squiggly notes and hearts on my trapper keeper or peechee

Oops, I have digressed. Oh such sweet memories….
The initial attraction to my present day crush was of
course his bright smile, beautiful curls and overall demeanor. From my limited observations I’ve noticed aside
from being extremely handsome, my crush is musically gifted, artistic, brilliant,
giving, caring, some what of a renaissance man.
A breath of fresh air. The type
of man when you think about him you can’t help but see the sun shine a little
brighter in the cool blue sky. What is
especially refreshing is thinking about him makes me happy to be me; it
inspires me to want to run out in the world and be a better person. Although a
little offkey I automatically start singing Cowboy Mouth lyrics “Scream and
shout like you were five. Are you glad to be alive?" He is certainly the kind of crush that raises
the bar of expectations for any man I may ever date.
I have to admit I’d be a little embarrassed if he came
across this blog. I am sure he would know immediately I was talking about him,
actually I don’t think he would even have to read this blog to know I have a
little adoration for him. I don’t think
it would be totally awkward. I think after he stopped blushing, he would be
flattered. He is the type of man who would find peace knowing he had
that kind of impact. I think he would be
touched just knowing I secretly pray for him each night. Not in the sense that
I am asking God or the universe to put a magical spell on him. It’s less
selfish, more of positive vibe asking God to watch out for him, keep him safe,
and provide him with the love and happiness he deserves.
For me, I find bliss being an acquaintance and perhaps some day a friend. I am also enjoying the natural intoxication that comes from within from a schoolgirl crush.The only difference now is hours listening to "Puppy Love" on vinyl has been replaced with listening to the MP3s I found online of the relaxing and beautiful sounds of skill and grace pouring from the fingertips of my crush to the piano keys.
For me, I find bliss being an acquaintance and perhaps some day a friend. I am also enjoying the natural intoxication that comes from within from a schoolgirl crush.The only difference now is hours listening to "Puppy Love" on vinyl has been replaced with listening to the MP3s I found online of the relaxing and beautiful sounds of skill and grace pouring from the fingertips of my crush to the piano keys.
References (oh wow, the nerd in me is really coming out)
The Jets Crush on You
Donny Osmond Puppy Love
Donny Osmond Soldier of Love
Donny Osmond The Other Side of the Mountain
Cowboy Mouth Glad to Be Alive
It's good to crush on someone every once in a while - no one has to know and you get to have a little fun every time you see him!