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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Potpourri of Thoughts

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. It’s been a very hectic week.  There’s been so much happening, but I haven’t really had quiet time to sit down and write out my thoughts.  My mind has also been spinning in so many different directions I haven’t been able to choose one topic.  Do I write about my personal challenges with Ed?  Or about the consequences of unintentional communication, you know the proverbial insert foot in mouth here?  Or regaining my equilibrium as Wednesday marked one month since the official break up with Greek Chicken?  Or the discovery of my attachment style and what that means for me?  Or about all of the blessings I have in my life? 

My mind will have to keep churning, I promise to focus within the next few days.   Meanwhile if you have a preference for a story topic please leave a comment.   


  1. I vote to read about the blessings. :)

  2. Choose the one that speaks most loudly to you, then be sure to write up the others with enough detail that you'll be able to write them up when you have time later. (I use Evernote.)


  3. Thanks Denise! I need to look into Evernote. Right now I have a few topics started in Word.

  4. Anonymous, 'Rainbows and Smiles...I Choose Happiness" touches on the blessings in my life. There are so many more to write about.
